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Artificial Intelligence


The father of artificial intelligence is the British mathematician Alan Mathison Turing, she introduced artificial intelligence in 1950. According to his thinking and Research he said that there would be came a time that human will be replaced by artificial intelligence, it means that there would be machines which would be able to do all the work that a man can do even they would do the work in more efficient way then any man being can do. He proved the artificial Intelligence with the specialised test that was called Turing test. In his best did the questions with man and computer he said that if the computer would be able to answer the question correctly that no one can distinguish that machine from a man. 
Now there is a short introduction to the artificial intelligence it involves the technique which would make a computer to perform task similar to that of human can perform. In this technology the human beings would be replaced by artificial intelligence because in artificial intelligence is there are made the machine that can perform the task as a human can do so in future there would be looking like a man a Woman to do tasks instead of man or woman.

When the artificial intelligence was initially introduced it was termed as the common sense reasoning. And it was initially considered as the solution for solving problem day by day. It was also about that certain ideas to understand the natural languages which process was known as Natural Language Processing. Recently research shows that the artificial intelligence needs knowledge. It means that artificial intelligence needs proper dose of knowledge, it is just like who is store data in pendrive the artificial intelligence stalls instruction in its memory so when the order is given it performs the task according to the order.
There are many things categorized in the artificial intelligence such as the driverless car, robot, drones so on. Artificial intelligence was introduced to reduce the world that a man performs it was for the easiness of the human beings. Like that if our medicine is taken more than the limit it may show the side effects , in same sense artificial intelligence maybe danger to the human beings because if there would be available a machine that can perform every task that are human being can do so terrorism can be spread because they won't need any self bomber all they would have to do is just to give instruction to the machine and the machine good Reform the world it given.
Artificial intelligence totally work from the instruction given by man the programmers who has programmed the machine to perform the task it is like to made a software for example if we take the calculator and we want to perform the summation of 5 and 10 first mission purpose we had to press the plus button because at backend it is programmed that after pressing the plus button there would be summation operation so the other button cannot perform the addition operation it means that specific operation is specified in the button just like that in artificial intelligence the given instruction is to be followed by a machine. This is all done by the technology that they have taken the idea of artificial intelligence to the peak.

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