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Revolution In the Computer Technology

As it is described in the previous article that the first ever made computer was just like a calculator. That was so simple and had no graphical user interface so that any user can use the computer with easiness.

The early computer has just a few buttons to perform the mathematical operation with the time there was introduced some more operations in the computer, after decades of time the monitor was introduced and mouse and keyboard was also introduced. Old computer was just single peace and had no proper structure but the hard work of scientists made that computer more efficient and more acceptable structure. As a computer were introduced in ancient times there was not any way to store data on the computer that computer was just a calculator but they faced the difficulty so that they introduced the new ideas to change the computer into more advanced form. As discussed in the previous article the first Programmable computer was very big enough so that the computer was adjust table live in the space of room. The vacuum tubes were used in the structure of the computer but now if we open the computer we want see any kind of pipes require in the computer there are bus system introduced in the computer like on a board the wires are just like the printed lines on some paper. The first ever made hard disc was big enough and it was almost of the gate of the house and was very heavy.
But as the time change the technology of computer also change that big and having a hard disc turn into a small chip hardly equal to the size of a nail. This is all done by the scientists that they worked hard to reduce the size of heavy and big enough hard disc to achieve which is in like a paper and its fine is hardly equal to the nail of a man. The motherboard, processor power supply, Ram, ROM, DVD player, floppy Disc player was maid a separate portion known as the CPU. CPU is the abbreviation for Central Processing Unit it means all work is done in the central processing Unit. Mouse, keyboard and monitor is attached to the central Processing Unit, the output from the central Processing Unit can be seen on the monitor. The keyboard is used to give input to the central Processing Unit or keyboard is also can be used instead of mouse means that the task of mouse can be done by the keyboard. Mouse is used to move the cursor at any place on the monitor screen.
There are many forms of computer ranging from the desktop to supercomputer. A desktop computer is perfect for personal use are correctly saying a desktop computer is suitable for a single person. A Mainframe computer is used for most heavy tasks. Server is also like Central Processing Unit but with server many computers are connected so the service store the data of all computers in itself. But the supercomputer can control the whole country are the whole world. There are few countable supercomputers in the world. Super computers are not like mainframe, server or desktop it may be equal to the building consists of 52 to 60 stories. Supercomputer uses the electricity almost equal to the electricity of a city.

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