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History Of Television

In 1880's a German inventor invented the moving images by using the simple filtered light and the spinning disk. That was the first step to the future of T.V. In the late 19s almost in 1920 or after scientists started the research on that moving images. They also experimented sending images by radio waves. So after the success of their experiment the combined the ideas to make the t.v. People always wanted new inventions to they were shocked to see the moving images like video. The were eager to get facilitated with this technology so till 1945 t.v were almost the compulsory electronic appliance in the every home of the america.

Revolution In T.V Technology

In old 18's and 19's the T.V was only black and white and it probably looked like that T.V shown in following picture.
This invented T.V was not efficient and was too much big almost like the size of table or more than the size of the table. screen of the T.V was too small but the size of T.V was so much big so there was need to take over the difficulty faced by the big size of the T.V. So scientists started their work to make the device more efficient and get the more clear and more satisfy-able result from the T.V. In 1954 first color broadcast was made. It was due to the hard work of the scientists and the every single person worked on the progress of the T.V. 
In television there are two parts of importance one is transmitter and other is receiver so transmitter transmits the video or sound by changing the video or music into the electrical wave and then receiver receives that waves and converts them to original form of the video of music.
T.V can be used to watch your hand made movies.

Role of T.V In Society

By sitting on the chair of your home, you can look around the whole world through T.V.  Electronic media on the T.V plays important role in keeping the people aware of what is happening in the world.
Different news channels are providing the news of each and every moments about what is going on the society. They aware people of good moments and bad moments.
Different T.V serials are playing very important role in the society they can made the society of peace and they can also turn the society on bad crisis. People do watch the television serials to amuse themselves, to get rid of the restlessness of the whole day after work and also to have some information.
Geographic channels are there on T.V which are providing people with a lot of information about the animals, forest, environment and pollution.
Entertainment is in plenty on the T.V now a days people can watch their favorite celebrities talking to them. Live transmission can be made over distances to provide the information or just for entertainment. People do watch cricket also with eager and now a days on T.V cricket can be seen live .
This is small introduction to T.V

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