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There was system in ancient times that the small message was tied with the feet of pigeon and that pigeon was directed toward the other person to whom message was to be sent. If there was sudden death then the man had to travel for many days to convey the message of death to other person. So in this way the time consumed much more. So there was the need to some machine or some kind of device that could convey the message in less time and without travelling the man on feet.
After that the horse system was introduced that if some message had to convey to some person then one man from one end would travel and from other end there would came a man on horse so that they will met in middle and will interchange the message. This method was not efficient also.
In ancient times tin can phone or lover's phone was also used to convey message but that was like some feet away from each other.
After that in 1816 Francis Ronald invented the telegraph.
In the telegram machine the message was sent from one side and was received at other side in the form written content. This system was much more fast and efficient than the old horse and pigeon system. This invention turned the history into new channel so people was amused to see the function of this machine that how a message could be transferred from one place to other far away place just in seconds. Actually that machine was connected to wire and on the other hand same kind of machine was connected to the wire so that the message was transferred in the form of electrical from and then on other side again message was converted to the original form.
This method was not efficient enough because one had to wait to get chance to transfer the message to send message to other person. So to over come this problem there was need of making of machine which would  be more efficient in conveying message from one place to another. 
In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and opened the channel to the new technology to discover more than anyone can imagine about.
As it can be seen from the picture first telephone was like shown in picture. That was also a wired phone. That telephone was not much more different than the telegram. 
But only difference was that through telephone message was transferred in the form of voice and also was received in the form of voice. There was time difference in between the message sending and receiving. In the telephone first the voice of the person who want to talk to other person was changed into the the electrical form like waves or signals which can travel through the wire and when signal was reached at the other end of the telephone then it was again changed into the original voice form. Actually there was two part of that telephone one was microphone that was a device used to change the voice into the form of the electrical waves and other part was the receiver that was used to re-change the electrical wave to the original form of voice

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