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Revolution In Telephone Technology


After the invention of the Telephone in the old times the scientists did stop. As said necessity is the mother of invention, there was also need of change of the telephone. Very first telephone used to look like as shown in following picture
This seems to be not efficient enough. With the passage of the time everything requires change to telephone also suffered from the different eras of revolution.

The very first telephone was not stylish and strong that could be damaged . In the very first era of telephone the microphone and the speaker was two different pieces. One must had to hold both microphone and the speaker and both were connected through the wire. There was always a danger of being damaged and there was no proper shape of telephone so it must be changed. 
There were made some changes in the telephone and button portion was added along with the ringer. As in ancient times there was not advanced ways of communication so there was not specific number assigned to every single telephone. After some revolution in the telephone technology, there came number system. Every single telephone was assigned with a specific connection and every single connection was assigned with the numbers means if one have to talk to someone then there is no need to be in he row of people waiting for chance to talk to other, one just had to dial a number in the dialing button part of the telephone and after dialing number there would be ringing sound on the other telephone. After the passage of time there was again revolution in the technology of the telephone. Because revolution never ends so telephone was also changed to some advanced form of it according to that time and that was more efficient than the old one and the handle system was removed from the telephone as it was in the previous telephone. 
Research never ended and the revolution was again in the industry of the telephone and the telephone was changed to again a different and advanced look. Then the scientists decided to overcome the difficulty caused by the wire and they began to work on the system that was free of the wire. After their changing in the telephone they made a Wire less Telephone. In the wire less telephone the signal system was used so that the transmission can be made at the both ends of the telephone. Voice was changed to the signal with the help of the micro phone and there as transmitter in the telephone which was used to emit the signals to the distances . To coming to more revolution the telephone was changed to the Mobile Phone as name show that the now telephone was moving one and also of tiny size. In the most advanced form of the Mobile phone everything can be found almost like a computer. This is the complete history of the revolution of the telephone that how a simple and not efficient telephone changed into the most efficient and the advanced telephone.

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